51,270 research outputs found

    Modernist Architecture and Ruins

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    Modernist Architecture and Ruins: On Ruins as a Minus, Neoclassicism and the Uncann

    Modernist architecture

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    From Modernism and under the Fascist flag of Italian Nation to Post-modernist urban sprawl

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    This paper was presented during the International conference: ‘Theoretical Currents I: Architecture, Design, and the Nation’. Theme: ‘Historical Perspectives’. It was presented on 15th September 2010 and published in the Proceedings of Theoretical Currents I in 2010.In early 20th century, architecture had no place as a national recognised school in Italy. Architects’ professional formation was blended inside the Academies of Arts and just few of them were trained in Engineering Schools of the northern part of the country. There were strict limitations in being creative in design and architecture, because of the tendency to imitate and follow the past, until the strategy of design and architecture changed tune by aligning modernist ideas to a controversial transformation. With the Rationalist Exhibitions of architectural design in the 1930s, architecture acquired the official support and protection of Mussolini himself; the ultra modernist projects of the first students of the newly founded architectural schools of Rome and Florence had an immediate impact to politics in such a way that in the following years modernist architecture became the Nation’s architecture showing up in large scale competitions, such the EUR in Rome and the Railway Station of Florence. The Nation’s architecture had such an influence to policy making that all the planning laws after World War II were based on the first laws in the 1930s and 1940s; the nationalist regime managed to put forward rules and regulations which had to re-format the built environment through the development master plans in the 1950s and beyond.ADT funds, University of Derb

    Middlesex and the Biopolitics of Modernist Architecture

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    Highlighting the architecture of the Middlesex house of Eugenides’ novel as a major technology of modernity, Seymour argues for the biopolitical understanding of such modernist architecture and for the ways in which it often works against the exploitative effects of automation and sexology, yet constitutes a complex and even contradictory force in processes of modernization, and in the novel itself

    The Influence of Mediterranean Modernist Movement of Architecture in Lefkoşa: the First and Early Second Half of 20th Century

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    The twentieth century modern architectures in Lefkosia in North Cyprus are changing especially in residential building. This change is occurs based on the client\u27s orders or because of the dilapidated condition of the buildings. Identify the characteristics of modernist architectural movement will help in identifying these buildings and recognize the changes applied on them. The paper aims to reach the rationale understanding about the norms of modern architecture in Lefkoşa in the twentieth century. The methodology is based on analyzing the residential buildings designed by local architects and “Ahmet Vural Bahaeddin” selected as one of the famous modernist architect in the twentieth century in North Cyprus. Residential buildings from Milan and Rome in Italy, as well as Baecelina in Spain selected for analysis. The paper tries to demonstrate the presence of vernacular elements in modern architecture in Lefkoşa. Two vernacular elements were studied, i) the patio (outside and inside interrelation), and ii) the façade materials (exposed stone) as vernacular elements in “Mediterranean modernist architecture”. The paper delineated the influence of the “Mediterranean modernist movement” on modern architecture in Lefkoşa in the 20th century. The findings show that there is influence by Modernist movement of architecture in other Mediterranean cities in Italy and Espain on the modern architecture in Lefkoşa. The results contribute evidence to promote our understanding regarding the modernist architecture in Lefkoşa

    The Presence of Modernist Architecture in Government\u27s Educational Buildings at Lefkoşa

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    Modernist architecture movement of the buildings in any city reflects the modernity of that city. Lefkoşa as a modern city faced many conflicts in the last century. The governmental buildings illustrate how modernism in architecture was defined and reflected in the buildings of the city. The aim of this paper is to explore the modernism movement in architecture influence on educational governmental buildings in Lefkoşa for first half in 20th century. The paper focuses on the ideas and experiences of modernist architects in first half of 20th century to apply modernism elements, and relationship between architecture form and functionalism in governmental buildings. Methodology frame work elucidated to conduct the subject. Two School buildings have been selected from the first half of twentieth century in Lefkoşa as case studies for modernist architecture. ‘Lefkoşa türk lisesi\u27 designed by ‘Ahmet vural Bahaedden\u27, which was the one of famous modernist architects in Cyprus and ‘Şehit Ertuğrul Ilkokulu\u27. The buildings architectural elements analyzed in both schools to demonstrate relation between site, interior space, functionality and environmental response, based on using their modern material and character. The paper concluded that the educational buildings hold strong elements of the modernist architecture in Lefkoşa and demonstrate how the elements of modernism were involved functionally in the design. The findings contribute useful evidence about the existence of modernism philosophy in architecture in Lefkoşa in the first half of twentieth century

    The Presence of Modernist Architecture in Government’s educational Buildings at Lefkosa

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    Modernist architecture movement of the buildings in any city reflects the modernity of that city. Lefkosa as a modern city faced many conflicts in the last century. The governmental buildings illustrate how modernism in architecture was defined and reflected in the buildings of the city. The aim of this paper is to explore the modernism movement in architecture influence on educational governmental buildings in Lefkosa for the first half in the 20th century. The paper focuses on the ideas and experiences of modernist architects in the first half of the 20th century to apply modernism elements and relationship between architecture form and functionalism in governmental buildings. Methodology framework elucidated to conduct the subject. Two School buildings have been selected from the first half of the twentieth century in Lefkosa as case studies for modernist architecture. ‘Lefkosa türk lisesi’ designed by ‘Ahmet Vural Bahaedden’, which was one of the famous modernist architects in Cyprus and ‘sehit Ertugrul Ilkokulu’. The buildings architectural elements analyzed in both schools to demonstrate the relationship between site, interior space, functionality and environmental response, based on using their modern material and character. The paper concluded that the educational buildings hold strong elements of the modernist architecture in Lefkosa and demonstrate how the elements of modernism were involved functionally in the design. The findings contribute useful evidence about the existence of modernism philosophy in architecture in Lefkosa in the first half of the twentieth century

    Masonry and the Modernist ethic

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    This article talks about the role of masonry in the Modernist ideology of architecture. Materials such as steel were given preference over masonry simply because they were progressive. The Modernist movement placed value on utility over appearance.peer-reviewe

    The image of the city embodied in architecture rationalistic modern style of Alexander Verbitsky

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    У статті досліджено та розкрито особливості раціоналістичного модерну в Україні на прикладі творів відомого українського архітектора Олександра Матвійовича Вербицького (1875-1958). Методологія дослідження включає низку наукових методів і підходів, серед яких аналіз, синтез, порівняльний та культурологічний, які дали змогу проаналізувати особливості українського раціоналістичного модерну в архітектурних формах, створених О.М. Вербицьким, як важливого етапу в українській архітектурі та українській культурі. Наукова новизна полягає у спробі автора виявити загальні ознаки стилю народної архітектури на прикладах будівель, споруджених у Києві, та визначити цінність спадщини раціоналістичного модерну в Києві, шляхи його збереження як складової частини загальноєвропейської спадщини. Показано, що оригінальність Київської школи модерну полягає в широкому використанні геометричних форм при одночасній стриманості декоративних традицій. З цієї позиції проаналізовано найбільш відомі архітектурні споруди авторства О.М. Вербицького - будинок залізничного вокзалу та передвокзальної площі, паровозного депо станції Дарниця, багатоповерхові житлові будинки у Києві по вул. Енгельса, на розі вулиць Стрілецької та Рейтарської. Найхарактернішою ознакою архітектурного стилю Вербицького, є, на думку автора, акцент на проектуванні дахів, які були переважно високої чотирисхилої форми і нагадували обриси дахів народних хат. У деяких проектах архітектора використано трапеційну форму фронтонів або ж трикутні щипці біля коньків даху, що надавало силуетам будівель активного і романтичного характеру, підкреслювало зв'язок з класичними спорудами народної дерев'яної архітектури та українською традицією будування.В статье исследованы и раскрыты особенности рационалистического модерна в Украине на примере произведений известного украинского архитектора Александра Матвеевича Вербицкого (1875-1958). Методология исследования включает ряд научных методов и подходов, среди которых анализ, синтез, сравнительный и культурологический, которые позволили проанализировать особенности украинского рационалистического модерна в архитектурных формах, созданных А.М. Вербицким, как важного этапа в украинской архитектуре и украинской культуре. Научная новизна заключается в попытке автора выявить общие признаки стиля народной архитектуры на примерах зданий, построенных в Киеве, и определить ценность наследия рационалистического модерна в Киеве, пути его сохранения как составной части общеевропейской наследия. Показано, что оригинальность Киевской школы модерна заключается в широком использовании геометрических форм при одновременном сдержанности декоративных традиций. С этой позиции проанализированы наиболее известные архитектурные сооружения авторства А.М. Вербицкого - здание железнодорожного вокзала и передвокзальнои площади, паровозного депо станции Дарница, многоэтажные жилые дома в Киеве по ул. Энгельса, на углу улиц Стрелецкой и Рейтарской. Наиболее характерным признаком архитектурного стиля Вербицкого, является, по мнению автора, акцент на проектировании крыш, которые были преимущественно высокой четырехскатной формы и напоминали очертания крыш народных домов. В некоторых проектах архитектора использовано трапеционные форму фронтонов или треугольные щипцы у коньков крыши придавало силуэтам зданий активного и романтического характера, подчеркивало связь с классическими постройками народной деревянной архитектуры и украинской традиции строительства.An image of architectural forms created in the urban environment always attracted interest. Researching of city space, in particular an architectural image of the city and its influence on consciousness of inhabitants, is considered to be important in this context. In formation of new images of city space modern architects conduct search of forms which would be connected with national tradition and, at the same time, met production requirements of modern town planning. Research objective - to reveal features of a rationalistic modernist style in Ukraine on the example of works of the famous Ukrainian architect Alexander Matveevich Verbitsky. Research problems: 1) to track features of the Ukrainian rationalistic modernist style in the architectural forms created by A. M. Verbitsky; 2) to render the general signs of style of national architecture on examples of the buildings built in Kyiv; 3) to determine the value of inheritance of a rationalistic modernist style in Kyiv, ways of its preservation as component of the all-European inheritance